Антивирус mcafee virusscan


Poor independent test results

In tests by Virus Bulletin and additional independent consumer-organizations, McAfee VirusScan has not fared well, frequently failing to detect some common viruses.

A review of VirusScan 2006 by CNET criticized the product due to «pronounced performance hits in two of our three real-world performance tests» and some users reviewing the same product reported encountering technical problems.

Some older versions of the VirusScan engine use all available CPU cycles.

As of 2009, McAfee virus-scanning products did not handle false positives well, repeatedly removing or quarantining known clean files, even after user restoration of these files.

Customer support criticisms

Reviewers have described customer support for McAfee products as lacking, with support staff slow to respond and unable to answer many questions.

2010 reboot problem

On April 21, 2010, beginning approximately at 2 PM GMT, an erroneous virus definition file update from McAfee affected millions of computers worldwide running Windows XP Service Pack 3. The update resulted in the removal of a Windows system file () on those machines, causing machines to lose network access and, in some cases, to enter a reboot loop. McAfee rectified this by removing and replacing the faulty DAT file, version 5958, with an emergency DAT file (version 5959) and has posted a fix for the affected machines in its consumer «KnowledgeBase».

2012 update issues

An August 2012 update to McAfee antivirus caused the protection to become turned off and users to lose internet connections. McAfee was criticized for not notifying users promptly of the issues when they learned about it.

Current standing

McAfee, though well-known, continues to have mixed reviews by industry sources, and the company has prepared a 2015 release series to address current market conditions. This repositioning includes voice and facial recognition authentication for cloud-based data security.

Personal Locker

In addition to extra licenses for True Key, LiveSafe gives you the Personal Locker, an encrypted cloud storage system that uses advanced biometric authentication. It’s not a lot of storage, just 1GB of space, but things you store in it are ultra-safe. You can access your Personal Locker from Android and iOS devices (running version 10 or earlier), and from Windows boxes running Windows 8 or better. Sorry, there’s no macOS support with this component, and it’s not compatible with iOS 11.

Unlike the File Lock component of Total Protection, Personal Locker doesn’t show up in the main user interface. To install it, you log into your McAfee account and either download it to the current device or send yourself a link with an activation code. After an introduction to this app’s features, you create a six-digit PIN. Then comes the fun part.

Like True Key, Personal Locker can use face recognition for authentication, but unlike True Key, face recognition is a requirement, not an option. You snap a photo with your device, verify that it’s a good likeness, and submit it to the app. When I did this on the Nexus 9 I used for testing, it repeatedly complained that my entire face was not in the picture. The real problem turned out to be my glasses; removing them solved the problem.

Personal Locker also uses voice recognition. To set up this feature, it requires you to speak a specific phrase three times. To avoid the possibility of a sneak thief using a recording to open your locker, at verification time you must also say another phrase, one that’s different each time. Among the phrases I encountered in testing were «Don’t count your chickens before they hatch» and «If you want something done right, do it yourself.»

There is one security hole in the system. In case your face becomes horribly scarred, or your voice changes so it’s not recognized, you need a backdoor into your locker. McAfee handles this by asking you for answers to three security questions. As with File Lock in Total Protection, the questions are fixed, with no option to create your own. A hacker could find most of the answers by googling you or peeking at your social media profile. If you take your security seriously, you’ll think up wrong answers for these questions, wrong answers that you’ll remember but that nobody else would guess. And please do it right the first time, because you can’t change your answers later.

I also installed Personal Locker on an Apple iPhone and on a Windows 10 PC. On the Windows device, installing Personal Locker also installed McAfee Central, a Windows Store app that managed your locker also serves to track security status. On the iPhone, I got a warning saying that the app is not compatible with iOS 11. After finishing my testing, I manually updated the phone to iOS 11 and confirmed that it’s just not compatible.

Given that iOS users almost universally upgrade to the latest version, that’s a serious problem, or so I thought. My contact at McAfee explained that hardly anyone uses this feature, so iOS 11 compatibility is not as important as other work they’re doing in the mobile area. I’m not entirely convinced.

Once you’ve activated Personal Locker on your various devices, you can start putting files and photos into it for safekeeping. You can snap a photo directly into the locker, so it never exists in unencrypted form. If you copy a file to the locker from a Windows device, you should use McAfee’s Shredder to securely delete the original. There’s no similar secure deletion component on other platforms.

For each secured file you can choose high or low security. If you choose low, then all that’s needed to access the file is your PIN. At the high level, opening the file requires face and voice recognition.

From each device that has the app installed, you can view all your devices that have access to Personal Locker. If you lose or replace one of them, you can remove it, so there’s no chance anybody else could get access to your stuff. On the flip side, you can share your locker with one or more friends.

Naturally, you must authenticate your identity before setting up sharing. You hand off one of your devices to the friend, who then goes through the same initial setup that you did. Once that’s done, the friend can add one or more personal devices.

I haven’t run across anything quite like Personal Locker. It has its limitations. You can’t use it in the dark, or at a time when speaking aloud would be problematic. It only stores 1GB of data. And there’s no support for macOS devices, or devices running iOS 11. But if you truly need super-secure cloud storage with biometric authentication, it’s one of a kind.

McAfee LiveSafe Review: Summary

McAfee is ranked #5 out of 20 antivirus software.

McAfee is one of the best antivirus of 2023. McAfee LiveSafe, also known as Total Protection, has the best design of all the antivirus we tested. It’s both intuitive and beautiful. On top of that, its anti-malware is excellent, its protection for Windows complete, and its password manager outstanding.

Sadly, its VPN is disappointing. It doesn’t have a kill switch, and it tracks what you do online. On the plus side, it’s included for free. So even if you don’t use it, it also doesn’t cost you anything.


  • Excellent Anti-Malware:McAfee has achieved near-perfect scores in all anti-malware trials by AV-Test since the start of 2019.
  • Outstanding Password Manager:McAfee’s True Key password manager is excellent, even when compared to the best competitors out there.
  • Free VPN:Unlike Bitdefender and Kaspersky, McAfee includes its unlimited VPN for free with LiveSafe and Total Protection.
  • Functional Parental Controls:McAfee’s parental controls are not as good as those by Norton or Kaspersky, but they cover the basics.
  • Complete Protection on Windows:Anti-malware, password manager, browser security, firewall, parental controls, unlimited VPN, and more.
  • Complete Protection on Android:Anti-malware, password manager, safe browsing, unlimited VPN, identity protection, Wi-Fi scan, and more.
  • Excellent Design:McAfee’s design is probably the most beautiful and intuitive of any antivirus software we have tested. It’s excellent.
  • Virus Protection Pledge: McAfee will remove all viruses on your devices, or you’ll get your money back.


  • A poor VPN:It lacks a kill switch and tracks your IP address and browsing history. We don’t recommend it. Norton 360 Deluxe includes a better VPN.
  • Limited Features for macOS:Without a VPN and password manager, McAfee is too basic on Mac. We recommend Norton for macOS.
  • Auto-Renewal Limitations:McAfee limits the VPN, virus protection pledge, and dark web monitoring if you turn offautomatic renewal.

More Password Power

You manage all your McAfee-protected devices from one central console, and the members of your household are surely happy to let you take care of that task for them. There’s nothing sensitive or personal about staying safe from malware. But no matter how intimate you are with your fellow McAfee users, sharing your passwords is quite another thing.

McAfee Internet Security comes with a single license for McAfee’s True Key password manager. You can use that license on all your devices, and True Key’s advanced multi-factor authentication factors give you many options for protecting your passwords and other private data. Your devices all sync the same single password collection, though, and even if you wanted to share, another user would have a tough time supplying your face or fingerprint for authentication.

LiveSafe solves this problem by offering five True Key licenses, not just one. Now each household member (up to five) can have a personal True Key profile, complete with personalized biometric authentication. Given that a standalone True Key license costs $19.99 per year, this is quite a deal.

Итак, насколько же хорош McAfee и стоит ли его оплатить или заменить?

Вообще ответ на этот вопрос для себя лично Вам придется выработать самостоятельно. Говоря же о себе скажу, что мне Internet Security Suite не очень понравился.

За полтора месяца совместной жизни программа отловила двух зловредов. И сообщение, выскакивающее при этом, запомнилось мне тем, что из него я так и не смог узнать где же собственно они были?

Или вот например, откроем раздел «Отчет о безопасности» и вкладку «Всего действий». Среди прочего видим «Входящих соединений заблокировано: столько-то». Где заблокировано? Почему заблокировано? Что-либо узнать об этом не представляется возможным, по крайней мере в этом разделе.

В настройках межсетевого экрана я вижу настройки журналирования событий, но так и не вижу самого журнала. Перечислять все не имеет смысла – проблема неинформативности интерфейса красной линией проходит через весь продукт. Хотя, возможно, не слишком продвинутым пользователям эти сведения и не нужны. Однако я предпочел бы их видеть, причем, желательно, без необходимости сначала решить непростой квест о том, как этого добиться.

Вторая проблема McAfee это его «самодеятельность». Как-то вечером нашлось время заглянуть в одну из любимых ММО. В процессе сего приятного времяпровождения вдруг начались лаги, а из вентиляционных отверстий ноутбука подало таким жаром, что я отдернул руку… Быстрые поиски виновника в диспетчере задач выявили в виде такового McAfee, который почему-то именно в это время решил выполнить проверку. Правда, где в программе была указана проверка именно в тот час, когда я придавался виртуальным развлечениям, я так и не нашел.

Последний камушек, который я хотел бы со всей силы запустить в лоб разработчикам – это вот эта вот панелька в браузере:

Скажу Вам честно, она достала. Причем появляется, в основном, на вполне безобидных сайтах. Например ВКонтакте и Mail.ru. При рытье глубоко «на днище сети» в поисках драйвера для одного старющего девайса,  я эту штуку не видел ни разу. То есть на сайтах, под завязку заваленных рекламой и ссылками на всякое сомнительно добро ничего опасного нет. А на главной странице Mail.ru есть. И в любом случае – заблокировал ты что-то, ну и сиди тихо, не надо сообщать об этом, занимая уйму полезного места на экране…

Это помимо того, многие сайты McAfee вообще считает опасными:

При этом, как и в прошлом случае, в число опасных было записано много вполне «добропорядочных» сайтов.

В общем, как вы поняли, меня McAfee Internet Security Suite не вдохновил. Хотя, возможно, он будет приемлемым решением для тех, кому нужна базовая защита. Проблема тут в том, что встроенный антивирус Windows 8 (а если у вас другая ОС – Microsoft Security Essentials) тоже, на мой взгляд обеспечивает оную базовую защиту, но денег не просит и всякими глупостями не донимает. В общем – вам решать.


4 января года Комиссия по ценным бумагам и биржам подала в суд на McAfee за завышение ее чистой прибыли за 1998–2000 годы на 622 000 000 долларов. Не признавая своих правонарушений, McAfee одновременно урегулировала жалобу и согласилась выплатить штраф в размере 50 миллионов долларов и пересмотреть свои методы бухгалтерского учета.

В октябре года McAfee уволила своего председателя Кевина Вайса, а ее генеральный директор Джордж Саманюк подал в отставку в связи с недавним расследованием Комиссии по ценным бумагам и биржам, которое также привело к уходу генерального юрисконсульта Кента Робертса в начале года. В конце декабря года Вайс и Саманюк добились повышения цен на опционы на акции советом директоров McAfee. Вайс и Робертс были очищены от всех правонарушений по обвинениям McAfee в 2009 году .

21 апреля 2010 года, примерно 14  часов  0 UTC, миллионы компьютеров , работающих под управлением Windows XP с пакетом обновления 3 мира пострадали от неправильного обновления файла определения вирусов для McAfee, в результате ликвидации системы файлов Windows (svchost.exe) на эти машины, что приводит к потере доступа к сети и, в некоторых случаях, к циклу перезапуска. McAfee решила эту проблему, удалив и заменив неисправный файл DAT версии 5958 на аварийный файл DAT версии 5959 и опубликовав исправление для затронутых компьютеров в своей базе знаний потребителей.

В августе года проблема с обновлением McAfee Antivirus для домашних и бизнес-компьютеров отключила защиту от вирусов и, во многих случаях, препятствовала подключению к Интернету. McAfee критиковали за медленное решение проблемы, вынуждающее сетевые операторы тратить время на диагностику проблемы.

6 октября года основатель компании по производству антивирусного программного обеспечения Джон Макафи был арестован в Испании . Ему было предъявлено обвинение в непредставлении налоговой декларации в США с по 2018 год и в сокрытии активов, включая недвижимость, транспортное средство и яхту, от имени других лиц. В соответствии с соглашением, данным испанским судьей на его экстрадицию в США, 23 июня 2021 года он покончил жизнь самоубийством в своей камере.

Features & Benefits:

Secure your enterprise with always-on protection

Protect your Linux environment with industry-leading protection:

  • Heuristic scanning — Uses behavior-based rules to identify and block new variants and unknown threats, without the need to download a patch.
  • Archive scanning — Detects and blocks viruses hidden within archived files.
  • Cross-platform protection — Blocks Microsoft Windows malware so it’s not transmitted through the Linux environment.

Save time with automatic updates
Count on automatic updating from McAfee Labs to ensure the most current protections are always in place — without requiring a server restart.

Make management easy with McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator (ePO)
Manage McAfee VirusScan Enterprise for Linux from a single, centralized console with the ePO platform, the first and only scalable tool for managing and enforcing anti-virus protection and policies.

Deploy new kernels quickly and easily
Get on-access scanning protection without kernel hooks, saving time and effort when you roll out new Linux distributions.

Proactive Global Protection

Despite the popularity of Linux-based products, mixed operating system environments remain a necessary choice for most companies. Though this has distinct advantages, it poses security risks to your infrastructure. Unprotected Linux systems may act as carriers, allowing viruses and malware intended to disrupt non-Linux operating systems to move throughout the network. Even after an initial outbreak has been contained, malware may still be able to execute its payload and infect the entire network.

You don’t have to compromise your security because you are using multiple platforms to run your business. Protect your Linux systems with advanced anti-malware technology that you’ve come to expect from McAfee. McAfee VirusScan Enterprise for Linux software provides extensive proactive protection from viruses, worms, and other malicious code for Linux systems. Named a Virus Bulletin VB100 award winner for 100% detection of “in the wild” test samples, plus zero false positives in a selection of clean files, McAfee VirusScan Enterprise for Linux software is scalable—designed for today’s fast-moving, highly adaptive small and mid-sized businesses and global enterprises

Always-On Protection

McAfee VirusScan Enterprise for Linux software is always on the lookout for new malware and makes regular updates to protect your Linux systems against the latest threats. In addition, on-access scanning without kernel modules saves time and effort when your IT team rolls out new Linux distributions.

McAfee offers industry-leading protection for your Linux systems:

  • Heuristic scanning—Behavior-based rules identify
    and block new variants and unknown threats,
    without the need to download a patch.
  • Archive scanning—Detects and blocks viruses hidden within archived files.
  • Cross-platform protection—Blocks Windows malware so it’s not transmitted through the Linux environment.

Enhanced Enterprise Management and Reporting

McAfee VirusScan Enterprise for Linux software integrates with McAfee ePO software, the industry’s leading scalable, web-based tool for managing and enforcing anti-malware protection and policies. McAfee ePO software provides comprehensive policy management, detailed graphical reporting, and software deployment for the Linux, Windows, and Mac clients on your network for improved security visibility across your entire infrastructure.

Secure Your Linux Servers

Your server infrastructure is critical to your business, so it is imperative to protect these servers from malicious threats like viruses, spyware, Trojans and others. McAfee VirusScan Enterprise for Linux software offers real-time protection, low processing overhead, and support for most common Linux distributions. McAfee VirusScan Enterprise for Linux software also provides a kernel-scanning cache to ensure that processing power is not wasted.

McAfee LiveSafe: True Key Password Manager

What is a password manager?

In an ideal world, you would use a unique password for each account. An example could be: 5uk9NDT1Bxh$PcT?gzGH. A password we generated using McAfee’s password manager.

Of course, we can’t remember or type such a random password. Luckily, that is where a password manager can help us:

  • It helps you create and store highly unique and secure passwords.
  • It automatically fills-in those passwords when you enter a website.
  • It automatically syncs those passwords across all your devices.

To determine whether McAfee’s password manager, called True Key, is any good at these tasks, we tested it on both Windows and Android.

How good is McAfee’s password manager?

McAfee’s password manager is outstanding.

Like most other password managers, it is an app on Android and iOS, and a browser extension on Windows and Mac, where it works with Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Internet Explorer. Sadly, it but does not support Safari.

The setup on Windows is straightforward. When you click the icon in the antivirus software, McAfee opens your browser. Here you are prompted to install the browser extension, log in with your McAfee account, and create a password vault.

The password vault is where all your passwords are stored. To create it, you will need to give it a master password. As this is the last password you’ll ever have to create and remember, we recommend making it an easy yet secure one. Combining a few random words with a number, symbol, and capital letters will do. For instance, #PresidentTeddyBear47.

And to make it even easier, whenever you want to access your vault, you can either type in your master password or use the Windows Hello biometrics scanners, with are the face recognition or fingerprint scanner on your laptop. So you won’t even have to type in your master password if you don’t want to. It makes password management a breeze.

On Android and iOS, it works in a very similar way. You download the app from the AppStore and log in to the vault with your master password. As McAfee keeps your password synced across all your devices, you have all those passwords you entered on Windows, on your smartphone too.

And last but not least, you can give the password manager on Android and iOS access to the biometrics scanner (face or fingerprint) of your mobile device. That way, when you want to log in to your vault, it will be effortless.

How does McAfee’s password manager compare to other Password managers?

We useDashlanefor our password management. It is an excellent stand-alone password manager, likeKeeperorLastpass. And truth be told, McAfee’s password manager can easily keep us with the best.

From setup to login, using the biometrics of your device, McAfee’s password manager is genuinely excellent.

If you choose to get a McAfee subscription, there is absolutely no reason to get a separate subscription at a dedicated password manager. McAfee’s Password manager is top-notch.

So are there no downsides to McAfee’s True Key password manager?

We can only find two. First, the password manager works fine on Google Chrome on macOS. Yet, the password manager does not have a link in McAfee’s antivirus app for Mac, which we don’t understand. Does McAfee not want its Mac users to know about the password manager?

Нагрузка на систему McAfee

В целом, на стресс-тесте антивирус показал себя не так уж и плохо, по крайней мере лучше, чем некоторые антивирусы, которые мы рассматривали ранее. Тем не менее, нагрузка действительно высокая. Например, процессор был загружен минимум на 86%, причем стабильной работу антивируса назвать нельзя, ибо показатели постоянно прыгали от 75% до 100%. При такой нагрузке понятно, что будет тупить и компьютер, и интернет, и телефон, и все на свете. И ладно бы, если бы это длилось недолго, так McAfee еще и тратит целый час на то, что даже AVG сканирует за 20 минут. А с учетом того, сколько всего McAfee пропускает, оценка его еще больше падает в яму, и даже глубже.

Как он появляется на компьютере

Наличие в системе той или иной утилиты не всегда означает, что пользователь собственноручно устанавливал их. И речь не только о вредоносных троянах, которые появляются без воли владельца компьютера и ноутбука.

Даже такие необходимые программы как антивирусы (например, бесплатный антивирусник Макафи) могут быть инсталлированы на ПК или ноут без непосредственного участия.

Продукты McAfee часто предустанавливаются на новые ноутбуки. Производители техники тесно сотрудничают с разработчиками антивируса Макафи и защищают будущих покупателей от хакерских атак.

Дополнительный софт — бесплатный McAfee — может появиться в качестве рекомендуемого программного обеспечения при загрузке других утилит, например, Adobe Flash Player.

McAfee LiveSafe Antivirus for Windows Review

McAfee antivirus on Windows 10 review:

McAfee’s interface on Windows 10 is beautiful and intuitive. Its app is designed like a modern website, somewhat similar to Facebook. A light grey background, on which white boxes with rounded corners stand out.

The big box at the top informs you of your security status and helps you improve it. For example, it might tell you that McAfee has found your data on the dark web or that you should install the browser extension with phishing protection.

The three smaller boxes below it help you navigate the main themes of the app: PC, Web, and Identity. Each has several deeper features structured under them. Below we’ll explain each.


In this segment, you can find four features. The first three are relatively straightforward:

  • Antivirus:The antivirus feature enables you to run a quick or full malware scan, or if you like, schedule one for a later time. We tested this feature in the of this review.
  • Secure Apps: This vulnerability scanner helps you discover and install security updates for Windows. On our PC, which we thought was up to date, it found two key updates.
  • App Boost: The app boost gives programs that you frequently use, like your browser, a performance boost.

The fourth feature, the firewall, is customizable:

  • You can manually decide what programs can connect to the internet or let the firewall decide for you. The latter is the default setting.
  • You can open specific ports so that PCs on your network can connect to yours. By defaults these are closed.
  • You can choose the level of advice you would like in making those decisions, what events should be logged, and what networks to trust.

Although there are some advanced settings, the friendly design and helpful “learn more” links make it very unintimidating. To us, it seems that even novice users would be able to master the advanced settings reasonably quickly if they would like to.


There are four features stacked under Web which help you stay safe online:

  • Browser Security:This anti-phishing browser extension, called McAfee WebAdvisor, scans websites and warns you about dangerous ones before you enter them.
  • Web Boost: This browser extension stops videos from playing automatically when you enter a website, saving data and making your surfing experience faster.
  • Tracker Remover:A QuickClean feature that deletes cookies that track you online, as well as temporary files that take up space on your hard drive. You can select which browsers and files it can scan and clean.
  • Secure VPN: A Virtual Private Network (VPN) allows you to surf the web privately and securely. Further down this page, we have an dedicated to it. Spoiler alert: The VPN is slow and lacking a kill switch, which is a shame.


Under Identity, you can find another four separate categories:

  • ID Protection:Here, you can enter email addresses, phone numbers, passport numbers, bank accounts, credit cards details, and more. McAfee will then scan the internet and dark web for them, to see if hackers got a hold of them. This feature is limited when you turn off auto-renewal, which is a bit of a dirty trick by McAfee.
  • Password Manager:This is another browser extension, called McAfee True Key, that will help you create, store, and auto-fill highly secure passwords on all your accounts. We tested it extensively in the on this page. Spoiler alert: It is one of the best password managers in the industry.
  • File Shredder:The shredder allows you to delete files securely. You can select the files that you want to remove and set how thorough you want them shredded.
  • File Lock: A separate app that lets you create password-protected digital vaults in which you can store sensitive files.

McAfee’s US-version of LiveSafe and Total Protection also include Identity Theft Insurance. Together with ID Protection, these make up the total of the identity theft protection features. Not bad, but certainly not the same as what’s on offer by Norton.

Finally, via the Settings menu in the top right corner of the screen, you can find two more features:

  • Anti-Spam:A surprisingly advanced anti-spam feature for Outlook and Thunderbird. You can select the protection level, where to move SPAM mails, set a white-list of friendly emails, and more.
  • Safe Family:A Parental Controls feature that opens in a separate app. We have tested it extensively in the on this page. Spoiler alert: It’s pretty good, but we prefer Norton’s parental controls for its design.

All in all, McAfee has about every feature you could want on Windows 10. Its True Key Password Manager is outstanding. And its design is excellent: Beautiful, intuitive, and advanced, yet never intimidating. Too bad the VPN disappoints.

Сканер, который обнаруживает и удаляет вредоносные программы

Одним из основных преимуществ VirusScan является его способность автоматически сканировать все файлы и директории на компьютере в режиме реального времени. Это позволяет обнаруживать и блокировать потенциально опасные файлы, еще до того, как они смогут нанести вред системе.

McAfee VirusScan также выделяется своей способностью обнаруживать и укрощать новые угрозы, благодаря своей облачной базе данных, которая постоянно обновляется. Это гарантирует, что антивирус будет иметь доступ к самой свежей информации о новых видах вредоносных программ, что повышает эффективность системы защиты.

Другая важная особенность McAfee VirusScan — это его возможность проводить быстрое сканирование системы и обнаруживать даже самые скрытые угрозы. Благодаря использованию многоуровневого анализа, антивирус обнаруживает и удаляет как известные, так и неизвестные вредоносные программы.

Кроме того, McAfee VirusScan также обладает функцией контроля входящих и исходящих сетевых соединений, благодаря которой можно отслеживать и блокировать вредоносный трафик. Это защищает компьютер от атак из интернета и предотвращает возможные утечки данных.

В итоге, McAfee VirusScan — это надежный сканер, обеспечивающий полную защиту компьютера от вредоносных программ. Благодаря своим функциям и возможностям, он становится незаменимым инструментом для обеспечения безопасности в онлайн-мире.

VirusScan Enterprise

McAfee also produces an enterprise-level product named VirusScan Enterprise: McAfee has designed this for use on larger networks designed to make management of antivirus software on multiple computers easier. Unlike the home-user edition, the Enterprise edition consists of a client application for networked computers, and a server application, which the system installs updates and configures settings for all client programs. Clients can be controlled using the included ePolicy Orchestrator (ePO), which is a unified console that can control VirusScan and other McAfee products. Support for VirusScan Enterprise ended on December 31, 2021.

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